The term “solvent” is applied to chemical substances that are used to dissolve or dilute other substances or materials. Solvents are typically organic liquids. Brainerd offers large quantities of solvents such as mineral spirits, xylene, and toluene.
The term “solvent” is applied to chemical substances that are used to dissolve or dilute other substances or materials. Solvents are typically organic liquids. Brainerd offers large quantities of solvents such as mineral spirits, xylene, and toluene.
In addition to their use in dissolving and diluting other substances, many solvents are used as chemical intermediates, fuels, and components for a wide range of products. Common applications for organic solvents include dry cleaning (tetrachloroethylene), paint thinners (toluene, turpentine), nail polish removers and glue solvents (acetone, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate), spot removers (hexane), detergents (citrus terpenes), and perfumes (ethanol). Aliphatic solvents (mineral spirits, lacquer diluent, heptane, hexane) are used heavily in the oil and gas industry as a carrier solvent and highly effective cleaner.