Isopropyl Alcohol (2-propanol), also known as isopropanol or IPA, is ideal as a solvent or cleaning agent for industries that produce water sensitive items, where rapid evaporation and low water content is favorable. Different solutions, purity grades, concentrations, and alcohol types yield beneficial cleaning and disinfecting properties when applied correctly—and dangerous consequences when used improperly.
Isopropyl Alcohol is mixed with water for use as a rubbing-alcohol antiseptic and is used in aftershave lotions, hand lotions, and other cosmetics. IPA is also used as an inexpensive solvent for cosmetics, drugs, shellacs, and gums, and can be used for denaturing ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Other products IPA is widely utilized in are hand sanitizers, inks, paint thinners, and windshield thawing agents.
Brainerd supplies IPA in solutions from 70-99% in various packaging including bottles, drums, totes, and bulk loads.